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L. Garrabrant Farms incorporates wheat on varying levels into our crop rotation. Examples of why we plant wheat include: demand for straw, to complete farm improvement projects in late summer prior to fall harvest, to seed hay in early August and profit potential from a wheat/straw/double crop soybean rotation. Markets we try to sell to are an end user type flour mill. To sell to a flour mill it has to meet strict high quality milling standards.



We almost always no-till seed our wheat following soybean harvest in mid-September. After soybean harvest but before seeding, we apply a pre-plant fertilizer and a herbicide program to ensure a strong start to a successful crop. In late winter to early spring, nitrogen is applied to wheat to give it a strong start coming out of winter dormancy. Wheat is typically harvested the last week of June into the first week of July.


L.Garrabrant Farms

6031 Sportsman Club Road

Johnstown, OH 43031



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